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Progress Bar

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Stampato il: 21 maggio 2024


Autore Discussione: arri
Oggetto: Progress Bar
Inserito il: 22 settembre 2010 12:37:23

ProgressBar contains a set of functions that can be used in loops while processing information. The main functions are ProgressBar, Progress, and EndProgressBar. There are a few example functions to demonstrate the syntax and method of using ProgressBar. PB-Demo is an example for an information message only. PB-Demo1 is an example for a foreach loop. PB-Demo2 is an example for a repeat loop. And PB-Demo3 is an example for a while loop.


Autore Risposta: arri
Inserita il: 24 gennaio 2013 11:05:43

To inform users about the progress of a lengthy calculation you can use progress bar ("thermometer"). In AutoLISP you can make use of the inbuilt function acet-ui-progress from Express Tools (must be installed).
Example - how to use it:

(acet-ui-progress-init "Working:" 10000); init - interval length

(setq i 0)

(repeat 10000; loop
; user functions performed here....
(setq i (1+ i))
(acet-ui-progress-safe i); update progressbar

(acet-ui-progress-done); dismiss progressbar

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