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14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 15 settembre 2010 : 12:54:06  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; AutoIncr.lsp v0.1
;;; Copyright© 2010-07-10
;;; Irné Barnard
;;; Contact: irne.barnard@gmail.com
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; *
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; This file is part of Caddons.
;;; Caddons is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public * as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the *, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; Caddons is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public * for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public *
;;; along with Caddons. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/*s/>.
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Disclaimer
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; The following program(s) are provided "as is" and with all faults.
;;; Irné Barnard DOES NOT warrant that the operation of the program(s)
;;; will be uninterrupted and/or error free.
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Summary of routines contained in this file
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Increments text by placing / picking / selecting text / mtext / attributes
;;; Revision History:
;;; 0.1 First release
;;; 0.2 Fixed bug 3029986; Include Feature 3031153 + Add highlight after picking;
;;; Fixed bug 3031612; Added renumbering to feature 3031153; Fix bug 3032937
;;; underscores and spaces changed to hyphens for getkword compatibility; Added
;;; STop option to entity select / pick / create ...
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Settings variables
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(setq AInc#Settings
'(1.0 ;Start value
1.0 ;Increment by
"INT" ;Type
"" ;Prefix
"" ;Suffix
0 ;Precision
1 ;Digits
'(("INT" 0 nil)
("REAL" 0.0 nil)
("A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "P" "Q" "R" "S" "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z"
("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z"
("ROMANL" 1.0 "mdclxvi")
("HEX" 0.0 "0123456789ABCDEF")
("BIN" 0.0 "01")
("OCT" 0.0 "01234567")
AInc#Mode "Pick"
) ;_ end of setq

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Converter function from integer to different base numeral
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; num = The number to be converted
;;; typ = List containing the type's settings
;;; Result: a string representing the converted number
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:Int2Base (num typ / neg str base)
(setq neg (< num 0)
num (fix (abs num))
base (strlen (last typ))
str ""
) ;_ end of setq
(while (> num 0)
(setq str (strcat (substr (last typ) (1+ (rem num base)) 1) str)
num (fix (/ num base))
) ;_ end of setq
) ;_ end of while
(if (eq str "")
(setq str "0")
) ;_ end of if
(if neg
(strcat "-" str)
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of defun

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Converter function from number to different base numeral
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; num = The number to be converted
;;; typ = List containing the type's settings
;;; prec = Precision for real number types
;;; Result: a string representing the converted number
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:Num2Base (num typ prec / neg i f str1 str2 str)
(setq neg (< num 0)
num (abs num)
prec (fix (abs prec))
i (fix num)
f (fix (* (- num i) (expt (strlen (last typ)) prec)))
) ;_ end of setq
(if (and (setq str1 (AInc:Int2Base i typ))
(setq str2 (AInc:Int2Base f typ))
) ;_ end of and
(if neg
(setq str "-")
(setq str "")
) ;_ end of if
(if (> prec 0)
(repeat (- prec (strlen str2))
(setq str2 (strcat "0" str2))
) ;_ end of repeat
(setq str (strcat str str1 "." str2))
) ;_ end of progn
(setq str (strcat str str1))
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of defun

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Converter function from number to alphabetic
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; num = The number to be converted
;;; typ = List containing the type's settings
;;; Result: a string representing the converted number
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:Num2Alpha (num typ / str)
(setq str "")
(if (> (setq num (fix (abs num))) 0)
(while (>= num (length (last typ)))
(setq str (strcat (nth (rem num (length (last typ))) (last typ)) str)
num (fix (/ num (length (last typ))))
) ;_ end of setq
) ;_ end of while
(setq str (strcat (nth (1- (rem num (length (last typ)))) (last typ)) str))
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of defun

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Converter function from number to ROMANL numerals
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; num = The number to be converted
;;; typ = List containing the type's settings
;;; Result: a string representing the converted number
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:Num2Roman (num typ / n str)
(if (and (> (setq num (fix (abs num))) 0)
(< num 4000)
) ;_ end of and
(setq str ""
n 0
num (itoa num)
) ;_ end of setq
(while (<= (setq n (1+ n)) (strlen num))
;; Thousands
((= (- (strlen num) n) 3)
(repeat (atoi (substr num n 1)) (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 1 1))))
;; Hundreds
((= (- (strlen num) n) 2)
((wcmatch (substr num n 1) "1") (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 3 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "2")
(repeat 2 (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 3 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "3")
(repeat 3 (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 3 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "4")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 3 1))
str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 2 1))
) ;_ end of setq
((= (substr num n 1) "5") (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 2 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "6")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 2 1))
str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 3 1))
) ;_ end of setq
((= (substr num n 1) "7")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 2 1)))
(repeat 2 (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 3 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "8")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 2 1)))
(repeat 3 (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 3 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "9")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 3 1))
str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 1 1))
) ;_ end of setq
) ;_ end of cond
;; Tens
((= (- (strlen num) n) 1)
((wcmatch (substr num n 1) "1") (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 5 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "2")
(repeat 2 (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 5 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "3")
(repeat 3 (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 5 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "4")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 5 1))
str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 4 1))
) ;_ end of setq
((= (substr num n 1) "5") (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 4 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "6")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 4 1))
str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 5 1))
) ;_ end of setq
((= (substr num n 1) "7")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 4 1)))
(repeat 2 (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 5 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "8")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 4 1)))
(repeat 3 (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 5 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "9")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 5 1))
str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 3 1))
) ;_ end of setq
) ;_ end of cond
;; Ones
((= (- (strlen num) n) 0)
((wcmatch (substr num n 1) "1") (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 7 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "2")
(repeat 2 (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 7 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "3")
(repeat 3 (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 7 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "4")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 7 1))
str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 6 1))
) ;_ end of setq
((= (substr num n 1) "5") (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 6 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "6")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 6 1))
str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 7 1))
) ;_ end of setq
((= (substr num n 1) "7")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 6 1)))
(repeat 2 (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 7 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "8")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 6 1)))
(repeat 3 (setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 7 1))))
((= (substr num n 1) "9")
(setq str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 7 1))
str (strcat str (substr (last typ) 5 1))
) ;_ end of setq
) ;_ end of cond
) ;_ end of cond
) ;_ end of while
) ;_ end of progn
(setq str "")
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of defun

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Converter function from number to required type
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; num = The number to be converted
;;; typ = Type code to convert to
;;; dgt = Integer portion digits
;;; prec = Precision for real number types
;;; Result: a string representing the converted number
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:Num2Type (num typ dgt prec / str n neg)
(if (setq typ (assoc typ AInc#Types))
(if (= (cadr typ) 0)
(if (= (type (cadr typ)) 'INT)
(setq str (itoa (fix num)))
(if (= (type (last typ)) 'STR)
(setq str (AInc:Num2Base num typ prec))
(if (and (setq str (rtos num 2 prec)) (> prec 0) (not (wcmatch str "*`.*")))
(setq str (strcat str "."))
(repeat prec (setq str (strcat str "0")))
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of if
(if (= (type (cadr typ)) 'INT)
(setq str (AInc:Num2Alpha num typ))
(setq str (AInc:Num2Roman num typ))
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of if
(setq neg (wcmatch str "-*")
str (vl-string-trim " -" str)
((wcmatch (car typ) "ALPHA*,ROMAN*")
(repeat (- dgt (strlen str)) (setq str (strcat "_" str)))
((wcmatch str "*`.*")
(repeat (- dgt (vl-string-search "." str)) (setq str (strcat "0" str)))
(repeat (- dgt (strlen str)) (setq str (strcat "0" str)))
(if neg
(setq str (strcat "-" str))
) ;_ end of defun

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Function to replace an item at index of a list
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; lst = The original list
;;; idx = Index of the item to replace
;;; val = Value of the new item
;;; Result: A new list with the item replaced
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:ListReplace (lst idx val / n ret)
(setq n (length lst))
(while (>= (setq n (1- n)) 0)
(if (= idx n)
(setq ret (cons val ret))
(setq ret (cons (nth n lst) ret))
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of while
) ;_ end of defun

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Change settings through command line
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; settings = List containing the settings to be displayed
;;; Result: nil if Canceled, else a list containing the modified settings.
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:SettingsCmd (settings / AInc:SetShow ans temp str1 str2 $min $max AInc:SetChk fn f)
(defun AInc:SetShow (/ n)
(princ "\nE.g.: ")
(setq n (nth 0 settings))
(repeat 10
(princ (nth 3 settings))
(princ (AInc:Num2Type n (nth 2 settings) (nth 6 settings) (nth 5 settings)))
(princ (nth 4 settings))
(princ ", ")
(setq n (+ n (nth 1 settings)))
(princ "...\nType: ")
(princ (nth 2 settings))
(princ "; Start: ")
(princ (nth 0 settings))
(princ "; Vector: ")
(princ (nth 1 settings))
(princ "; Digits: ")
(princ (nth 6 settings))
(princ "; Precision: ")
(princ (nth 5 settings))
(princ "; Prefix: \"")
(princ (nth 3 settings))
(princ "\" ; Suffix: \"")
(princ (nth 4 settings))
(princ "\"")

(defun AInc:SetChk (ans /)
((wcmatch ans "ALPHA*")
(setq $min 1
$max nil
(if (< (nth 0 settings) $min)
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 0 (float $min)))
((wcmatch ans "ROMANU*")
(setq $min 1
$max 399
(if (< (nth 0 settings) $min)
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 0 (float $min)))
(if (> (nth 0 settings) $max)
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 0 (float $max)))

(while (and (not (eq ans "eXit"))
(initget 128 "Type Start Vector Digits preCision Prefix suFfix sAVe Load eXit")
(setq ans (getkword "\nChoice [Type/Start/Vector/Digits/preCision/Prefix/suFfix/sAVe/Load/eXit] <eXit>: "))
((eq ans "Prefix")
(if (setq temp (getstring t (strcat "\NPrefix (~ for none) <" (nth 3 settings) ">: ")))
(if (eq temp "~")
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 3 ""))
(if (/= temp "")
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 3 temp))
((eq ans "suFfix")
(if (setq temp (getstring t (strcat "\NSuffix (~ for none) <" (nth 4 settings) ">: ")))
(if (eq temp "~")
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 4 ""))
(if (/= temp "")
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 4 temp))
((eq ans "Type")
(setq str1 ""
str2 ""
(foreach temp AInc#Types
(setq str1 (strcat str1 " " (car temp))
str2 (strcat str2 "/" (car temp))
(setq str1 (vl-string-trim "// \/t/n" str1)
str2 (vl-string-trim "// \/t/n" str2)
(initget 129 str1)
(if (setq ans (getkword (strcat "[" str2 "] <" (nth 2 settings) ">: ")))
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 2 ans))
(AInc:SetChk ans)
((eq ans "Start")
(if (setq temp (getreal (strcat "\nStart number <" (rtos (nth 0 settings)) ">: ")))
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 0 temp))
(AInc:SetChk ans)
((eq ans "Vector")
(if (setq temp (getreal (strcat "\NVector number <" (rtos (nth 1 settings)) ">: ")))
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 1 temp))
((eq ans "Digits")
(if (and (setq temp (getint (strcat "\NDigits <" (rtos (nth 6 settings)) ">: ")))
(> temp 0)
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 6 temp))
((eq ans "preCision")
(if (and (setq temp (getint (strcat "\NPrecision <" (rtos (nth 5 settings)) ">: ")))
(>= temp 0)
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 5 temp))
((eq ans "Load")
(if (or (and (or (= (getvar "FILEDIA") 0)
(> (logand (getvar "CMDACTIVE") (+ 4 16 32 64)) 0)
(setq fn (getstring t "File path: "))
(setq f (open fn "r"))
(and (setq fn (getfiled "Load Increment Settings" (getvar "DWGPREFIX") "inc" 12))
(setq f (open fn "r"))
(setq str1 "")
(while (setq str2 (read-line f)) (setq str1 (strcat str1 "\n" str2)))
(close f)
(setq settings (read str1))
(AInc:SetChk ans)
((eq ans "sAVe")
(if (or (and (or (= (getvar "FILEDIA") 0)
(> (logand (getvar "CMDACTIVE") (+ 4 16 32 64)) 0)
(setq f (open fn "w"))
(and (setq fn (getfiled "Save Increment Settings" (getvar "DWGPREFIX") "inc" 5))
(setq f (open fn "w"))
(prin1 settings f)
(close f)

;;; Function to load AutoIncr dialog
(defun load_dialog_AutoIncr (/ fn f)
(setq fn (strcat (getvar "TEMPPREFIX") "AutoIncr.DCL"))
(setq f (open fn "w"))
"// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
(write-line "// AutoIncr.DCL v1.0" f)
(write-line "//" f)
(write-line "// Copyright© 2010-07-10" f)
(write-line "// Irné Barnard (irneb)" f)
(write-line "//" f)
(write-line "// Contact: irneb @ AUGI.com" f)
(write-line "//" f)
(write-line "// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software" f)
(write-line "// for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided" f)
(write-line "// that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and" f)
(write-line "// that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and" f)
(write-line "// restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting" f)
(write-line "// documentation." f)
(write-line "//" f)
(write-line "// The following program(s) are provided \"as is\" and with all faults." f)
(write-line "// Irné Barnard DOES NOT warrant that the operation of the program(s)" f)
(write-line "// will be uninterrupted and/or error free." f)
(write-line "//" f)
(write-line "// Dialogs for AutoIncr.LSP" f)
(write-line "//" f)
(write-line "// Revision History:" f)
(write-line "//" f)
"// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
(write-line "" f)
"// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
(write-line "// Settings Dialog" f)
"// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
(write-line "AInc_Settings : dialog {" f)
(write-line " label = \"Auto Increment - Settings\";" f)
(write-line " : row {" f)
(write-line " : boxed_radio_column {" f)
(write-line " label = \"Numbering Type\";" f)
(write-line " key = \"Type\";" f)
(write-line " : radio_button { key = \"INT\"; label = \"Integer\"; }" f)
(write-line " : radio_button { key = \"REAL\"; label = \"Decimal Numbers\"; }" f)
(write-line " : radio_button { key = \"BIN\"; label = \"Binary numbering\"; }" f)
(write-line " : radio_button { key = \"OCT\"; label = \"Octal numbering\"; }" f)
(write-line " : radio_button { key = \"HEX\"; label = \"Hexadecimal numbering\"; }" f)
(write-line " : radio_button { key = \"ALPHAU\"; label = \"Alphabetic UPPER CASE\"; }" f)
(write-line " : radio_button { key = \"ALPHAL\"; label = \"Alphabetic lower case\"; }" f)
(write-line " : radio_button { key = \"ROMANU\"; label = \"Roman Numerals UPPER CASEe\"; }" f)
(write-line " : radio_button { key = \"ROMANL\"; label = \"Roman Numerals lower case\"; }" f)
(write-line " }" f)
(write-line " : column {" f)
" : row { : text { value = \"Prefix:\"; width = 8; } : edit_box { key = \"Prefix\"; edit_width = 35; }}"
" : row { : text { value = \"Suffix:\"; width = 8; } : edit_box { key = \"Suffix\"; edit_width = 35; }}"
" : row { : text { value = \"Start:\"; width = 8; } : edit_box { key = \"Start\"; edit_width = 11; }"
" : text { value = \"Vector:\"; width = 8; } : edit_box { key = \"Vector\"; edit_width = 11; }"
(write-line " }" f)
" : row { : text { value = \"Digits:\"; width = 8; } : edit_box { key = \"Digits\"; edit_width = 11; }"
" : text { value = \"Precision:\"; width = 8; } : edit_box { key = \"Precision\"; edit_width = 11; }}"
" : boxed_row { label = \"Example:\"; : text { key = \"TypeEg\"; height = 4; value = \"Test\"; }}"
(write-line " : row { fixed_width = true; alignment = right;" f)
(write-line " : retirement_button { key = \"Load\"; label = \"&Load...\"; }" f)
(write-line " : retirement_button { key = \"Save\"; label = \"&Save...\"; }" f)
(write-line " ok_button; cancel_button;" f)
(write-line " }" f)
(write-line " }" f)
(write-line " }" f)
(write-line "}" f)
(close f)
(load_dialog fn)
) ;_ end of defun

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Open dialog for settings
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; settings = List containing the settings to be displayed
;;; Result: nil if Cancel is pressed, if OK pressed a list containing the modified
;;; settings.
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:SettingsDlg (settings / dcl settings AInc:TestInt AInc:TestReal AInc:DlgType $min $max
(setq dcl (load_dialog_AutoIncr))
(if (new_dialog "AInc_Settings" dcl "1")
;; Function to show example
(defun AInc:Example (/ str n)
(setq str ""
n (nth 0 settings)
) ;_ end of setq
(repeat 20
(setq str (strcat str
(nth 3 settings)
(AInc:Num2Type n (nth 2 settings) (nth 6 settings) (nth 5 settings))
(nth 4 settings)
", "
) ;_ end of strcat
n (+ n (nth 1 settings))
) ;_ end of setq
) ;_ end of repeat
(set_tile "TypeEg" (strcat str "..."))
) ;_ end of defun

;; Setup types group, example & en-/disable precision
(defun AInc:DlgType ($value /)
((wcmatch $value "ALPHA*")
(setq $min 1
$max nil
) ;_ end of setq
(if (< (nth 0 settings) $min)
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 0 $min))
(set_tile "Start" (rtos (nth 0 settings)))
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
((wcmatch $value "ROMAN*")
(setq $min 1
$max 3999
) ;_ end of setq
(if (< (nth 0 settings) $min)
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 0 $min))
(set_tile "Start" (rtos (nth 0 settings)))
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
(if (> (nth 0 settings) $max)
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 0 $max))
(set_tile "Start" (rtos (nth 0 settings)))
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
((setq $min nil
$max nil
) ;_ end of setq
) ;_ end of cond
(if (and (= (cadr (assoc $value AInc#Types)) 0)
(= (type (cadr (assoc $value AInc#Types))) 'REAL)
) ;_ end of and
(mode_tile "Precision" 0)
(mode_tile "Precision-" 0)
(mode_tile "Precision+" 0)
) ;_ end of progn
(mode_tile "Precision" 1)
(mode_tile "Precision-" 1)
(mode_tile "Precision+" 1)
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 2 $value))
) ;_ end of defun
(action_tile "Type" "(AInc:DlgType $value) (AInc:Example)")
(set_tile "Type" (caddr settings))
(AInc:DlgType (caddr settings))

(defun AInc:TestInt ($key $reason $value $old $min $max / lst item)
(if (and (= $reason 2) (wcmatch $value "*[~0123456789]*"))
(alert (strcat $value " is not a valid integer.\nPlease try again."))
(set_tile $key $old)
(mode_tile $key 3)
(mode_tile $key 2)
) ;_ end of progn
(if (and $min (< (atoi $value) $min))
(alert (strcat $value " is less than the minimum.\nPlease try again."))
) ;_ end of progn
(if (and $max (> (atoi $value) $max))
(alert (strcat $value " is more than the maximum.\nPlease try again."))
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of defun

(defun AInc:TestReal ($key $reason $value $old $min $max / lst item)
(if (and (= $reason 2) (wcmatch $value "*[~-.0123456789]*"))
(alert (strcat $value " is not a valid number.\nPlease try again."))
(set_tile $key $old)
(mode_tile $key 3)
(mode_tile $key 2)
) ;_ end of progn
(if (and $min (< (atoi $value) $min))
(alert (strcat $value " is less than the minimum.\nPlease try again."))
) ;_ end of progn
(if (and $max (> (atoi $value) $max))
(alert (strcat $value " is more than the maximum.\nPlease try again."))
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of defun

;; Setup pre-, suffix, start, vector, precision & reactor
(set_tile "Start" (rtos (nth 0 settings)))
"(if (AInc:TestReal $key $reason $value (rtos (nth 0 settings)) $min $max)"
" (setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 0 (atof $value)))"
" (progn (set_tile \"Start\" (rtos (nth 0 settings)))" " (mode_tile \"Start\" 2)" " )) "
) ;_ end of strcat
) ;_ end of action_tile
(set_tile "Vector" (rtos (nth 1 settings)))
"(if (AInc:TestReal $key $reason $value (rtos (nth 1 settings)) nil $max)"
" (setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 1 (atof $value)))"
" (progn (set_tile \"Vector\" (rtos (nth 1 settings)))" " (mode_tile \"Vector\" 2)" " )) "
) ;_ end of strcat
) ;_ end of action_tile
(set_tile "Prefix" (nth 3 settings))
"(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 3 $value)) (AInc:Example)"
) ;_ end of action_tile
(set_tile "Suffix" (nth 4 settings))
"(setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 4 $value)) (AInc:Example)"
) ;_ end of action_tile
(set_tile "Precision" (itoa (nth 5 settings)))
"(if (AInc:TestInt $key $reason $value (itoa (nth 5 settings)) 0 $max)"
" (setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 5 (atoi $value)))"
" (progn (set_tile \"Precision\" (rtos (nth 5 settings)))" " (mode_tile \"Precision\" 2)" " )) "
) ;_ end of strcat
) ;_ end of action_tile
(set_tile "Digits" (itoa (nth 6 settings)))
"(if (AInc:TestInt $key $reason $value (itoa (nth 6 settings)) 1 $max)"
" (setq settings (AInc:ListReplace settings 6 (atoi $value)))"
" (progn (set_tile \"Digits\" (rtos (nth 6 settings)))" " (mode_tile \"Digits\" 2)" " )) "
) ;_ end of strcat
) ;_ end of action_tile

(defun AInc:DlgLoad (/ f str s)
(if (setq f (open (getfiled "Load Increment Settings" (getvar "DWGPREFIX") "inc" 12) "r"))
(setq str "")
(while (setq s (read-line f)) (setq str (strcat str "\n" s)))
(close f)
(setq settings (read str))
(set_tile "Start" (rtos (nth 0 settings)))
(set_tile "Vector" (rtos (nth 1 settings)))
(set_tile "Type" (nth 2 settings))
(set_tile "Prefix" (nth 3 settings))
(set_tile "Suffix" (nth 4 settings))
(set_tile "Precision" (itoa (nth 5 settings)))
(set_tile "Digits" (itoa (nth 6 settings)))
(AInc:DlgType (nth 2 settings))
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of defun
(action_tile "Load" "(AInc:DlgLoad)")

(defun AInc:DlgSave (/ f)
(if (setq f (open (getfiled "Save Increment Settings" (getvar "DWGPREFIX") "inc" 5) "w"))
(prin1 settings f)
(close f)
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of defun
(action_tile "Save" "(AInc:DlgSave)")

(if (= (start_dialog) 0)
(setq settings nil)
) ;_ end of if
) ;_ end of progn
) ;_ end of if
(unload_dialog dcl)
) ;_ end of defun

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Purge empty groups
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun c:PurgeGroups (/ acad doc grps n str grp)
(setq grps (vla-get-Groups (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (setq acad (vlax-get-acad-object)))))
n (vla-get-Count grps)
(while (>= (setq n (1- n)) 0)
(setq grp (vla-Item grps n))
(if (= (vla-get-Count grp) 0)
(vla-Delete grp)
(vlax-release-object grps)
(vlax-release-object doc)
(vlax-release-object acad)

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Create an AutoIncr Group for collecting entities to be incremented
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; settings = the list of settings for this group
;;; Result: A newly created AutoIncr group ActiveX object
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:GroupNew (settings / acad doc grps n str grp gd)
;; Get the next free AutoIncr group name
(setq n 0
grps (cdr (assoc -1 (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_GROUP")))
(while (dictsearch grps (strcat "AutoIncr" (itoa n))) (setq n (1+ n)))

;; Create the new empty group
(setq grps (vla-get-Groups (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (setq acad (vlax-get-acad-object))))))
(setq grp (vla-Add grps (strcat "AutoIncr" (itoa n)))
gd (entget (vlax-vla-object->ename grp))
gd (subst '(71 . 0) (assoc 71 gd) gd)
(entmod gd)
(vlax-ldata-put grp "AInc#Settings" settings)
(vlax-release-object grps)
(vlax-release-object doc)
(vlax-release-object acad)

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Get the group & index of a selected item
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; en = The ActiveX object of the entity to search
;;; Result: A list containing all the group objects & indexes found or nil if not found
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:GroupGet (en / ed gn gd go n eo eo1 lst)
;; Check if the entity belongs to a group
(if (and (setq ed (cdr (member '(102 . "{ACAD_REACTORS") (entget en))))
(setq eo (vlax-ename->vla-object en))
(while (and (setq gn (assoc 330 ed))
(setq gn (cdr gn))
(setq gd (entget gn))
(if (and (eq (cdr (assoc 0 gd)) "GROUP")
(vlax-ldata-get gn "AInc#Settings")
(setq go (vlax-ename->vla-object gn)
eo (vlax-ename->vla-object en)
(setq n 0)
(while (and (< n (vla-get-Count go))
(setq eo1 (vla-Item go n))
(/= (vla-get-ObjectID eo) (vla-get-ObjectID eo1))
(setq n (1+ n))
(setq lst (cons (cons go n) lst))
(setq ed (cdr (member (assoc 330 ed) ed)))
;; Not part of a group

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Insert a selection of entities to a group
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; grp = The ActiveX object of the group
;;; lst = A list of enames to add to the group
;;; idx = The index of the 1st new entity, or nil to append
;;; Result: An ActiveX object of the group
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:GroupInsert (grp lst idx / newArray en eo n nextArray)
;; Setup the array of new entities to add
(setq newArray (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbObject (cons 0 (1- (length lst))))
n 0
(foreach en lst
(setq eo (vlax-ename->vla-object en))
(vlax-safearray-put-element newArray n eo)
(setq n (1+ n))

;; Check if appending
(if (and idx (< idx (vla-get-Count grp)))
;; Get the existing entities after the index
(setq nextArray (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbObject (cons 0 (- (vla-get-Count grp) idx 1)))
n idx
(while (< n (vla-get-Count grp))
(vlax-safearray-put-element nextArray (- n idx) (vla-Item grp n))
(setq n (1+ n))
;; Remove the entities after the index
(vla-RemoveItems grp nextArray)

;; Append the new entities to the group
(vla-AppendItems grp newArray)

;; Append next existing entities
(if nextArray
(vla-AppendItems grp nextArray)

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Renumber the group
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; grp = The ActiveX object of the group
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:Renumber (grp / settings n eo num)
(if (setq settings (vlax-ldata-get grp "AInc#Settings"))
(setq num (car settings)
n 0
(while (< n (vla-get-Count grp))
(setq eo (vla-Item grp n))
(strcat (nth 3 settings)
(AInc:Num2Type num (nth 2 settings) (nth 6 settings) (nth 5 settings))
(nth 4 settings)

(setq n (1+ n)
num (+ num (nth 1 settings))

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Highlight the entity by drawing a bounding box in dashed
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; en = The entity ename
;;; c = Colour for the highlight
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:HighlightEnt (en c / ed box ang pt pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 ang1 dist1)
(setq ed (entget en))
((wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 ed)) "M*LEADER")
(setq pt (cdr (assoc 10 ed))
pt1 (list (car pt) (- (cadr pt) (* (getvar "TEXTSIZE") 0.5)) (caddr pt))
pt2 (polar pt1 0.0 (* (getvar "TEXTSIZE") 5.0))
pt3 (polar pt2 (* pi 0.5) (getvar "TEXTSIZE"))
pt4 (polar pt1 (* pi 0.5) (getvar "TEXTSIZE"))
((wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 ed)) "MTEXT")
(setq pt (cdr (assoc 10 ed))
ang (cdr (assoc 50 ed))
((= (cdr (assoc 71 ed)) 1) ;Top left
(setq pt1 (polar pt (+ ang (* pi 1.5)) (cdr (assoc 43 ed))))
((= (cdr (assoc 71 ed)) 2) ;Top center
(setq pt1 (polar pt (+ ang (* pi 1.5)) (cdr (assoc 43 ed)))
pt1 (polar pt1 (+ ang pi) (* (cdr (assoc 42 ed)) 0.5))
((= (cdr (assoc 71 ed)) 3) ;Top right
(setq pt1 (polar pt (+ ang (* pi 1.5)) (cdr (assoc 43 ed)))
pt1 (polar pt1 (+ ang pi) (cdr (assoc 42 ed)))
((= (cdr (assoc 71 ed)) 4) ;Middle left
(setq pt1 (polar pt (+ ang (* pi 1.5)) (* (cdr (assoc 43 ed)) 0.5)))
((= (cdr (assoc 71 ed)) 5) ;Middle center
(setq pt1 (polar pt (+ ang (* pi 1.5)) (* (cdr (assoc 43 ed)) 0.5))
pt1 (polar pt1 (+ ang pi) (* (cdr (assoc 42 ed)) 0.5))
((= (cdr (assoc 71 ed)) 6) ;Middle right
(setq pt1 (polar pt (+ ang (* pi 1.5)) (* (cdr (assoc 43 ed)) 0.5))
pt1 (polar pt1 (+ ang pi) (cdr (assoc 42 ed)))
((= (cdr (assoc 71 ed)) 7) ;Bottom left
(setq pt1 pt)
((= (cdr (assoc 71 ed)) 8) ;Bottom center
(setq pt1 pt
pt1 (polar pt1 (+ ang pi) (* (cdr (assoc 42 ed)) 0.5))
((= (cdr (assoc 71 ed)) 9) ;Bottom right
(setq pt1 pt
pt1 (polar pt1 (+ ang pi) (cdr (assoc 42 ed)))
(setq pt2 (polar pt1 ang (cdr (assoc 42 ed)))
pt3 (polar pt2 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) (cdr (assoc 43 ed)))
pt4 (polar pt1 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) (cdr (assoc 43 ed)))
(setq box (textbox ed))
(setq box (list (list
(- (car (car box)) (* (car (cadr box)) 0.2))
(- (cadr (car box)) (* (cadr (cadr box)) 0.2))
(- (caddr (car box)) (* (caddr (cadr box)) 0.2))
(* (car (cadr box)) 1.4)
(* (cadr (cadr box)) 1.4)
(* (caddr (cadr box)) 1.4)
(setq pt (trans (cdr (assoc 10 ed)) en 0)
pt1 (trans '(1000.0 0.0 0.0) en 0)
ang (+ (angle '(0.0 0.0 0.0) pt1) (cdr (assoc 50 ed)))
ang1 (+ ang (angle '(0.0 0.0 0.0) (car box)))
dist1 (distance '(0.0 0.0 0.0) (car box))
pt1 (polar pt ang1 dist1)
pt2 (polar pt1 ang (car (last box)))
pt3 (polar pt2 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) (cadr (last box)))
pt4 (polar pt1 (+ ang (* pi 0.5)) (cadr (last box)))
(grdraw pt1 pt2 c 1)
(grdraw pt2 pt3 c 1)
(grdraw pt3 pt4 c 1)
(grdraw pt4 pt1 c 1)

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Highlight the entities in the group by drawing a bounding box in green dashed before
;;; the indexed entity, red for the indexed entity & cyan for the rest and draw a gray
;;; dashed line between consecutive entities
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; grp = The ActiveX object of the group
;;; idx = if not nil draw the indexed entity highlight in red
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:HighlightGrp (grp idx / n eo en ed pt0 pt1 dist ang c)
(setq n 0
c 3
(while (< n (vla-get-Count grp))
(setq eo (vla-Item grp n)
en (vlax-vla-object->ename eo)
ed (entget en)
pt1 (trans (cdr (assoc 10 ed)) en 0)
(if (and idx (= idx n))
(progn (AInc:HighlightEnt en 1) (setq c 4))
(AInc:HighlightEnt en c)
(if pt0
(setq dist (distance pt0 pt1)
ang (angle pt0 pt1)
(grdraw pt0 (polar pt0 ang (* dist 0.8)) 8 1)
(setq pt0 pt1
n (1+ n)

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Comand to create a new increment group
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun c:AutoIncr (/ en grp)
(if (setq en (AInc:PickEntities AInc#Settings (nth 0 AInc#Settings)))
(setq grp (AInc:GroupNew AInc#Settings))
(AInc:GroupInsert grp en nil)
(AIncr:EditIncr grp 0)

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Comand to edit an existing increment group
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun c:EditIncr (/ en grp idx n ans eo settings)
(setq en t)
(while (and en (not grp))
(if (setq en (nentsel "\nPick a text/attrib from the existing increment group: "))
(if (not (setq grp (AInc:GroupGet (car en))))
(princ "\nThat does not belong to an increment group, please try again.")
;; Check for multiple groups, ask user to select one
(if (and (> (length grp) 1) (setq n 0))
(while (not idx)
(AInc:HighlightGrp (car (nth n grp)) (cdr (nth n grp)))
(princ (strcat "\nThe entity belongs to "
(itoa (length grp))
" groups. Currently shown group#"
(itoa (1+ n))
(initget "Prev Next Yes")
(setq ans (getkword "\nIs this the group you want to edit? [Prev/Next/Yes] <Yes>: "))
((eq ans "Next") (setq n (fix (rem (1+ n) (length grp)))))
((eq ans "Prev")
(if (= n 0)
(setq n (1- (length grp)))
(setq n (1- n))
(setq idx (cdr (nth n grp))
grp (car (nth n grp))
(setq idx (cdr (nth 0 grp))
grp (car (nth 0 grp))

(AIncr:EditIncr grp idx)

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Command to renumber groups
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun c:RenumIncr (/ nod grp lst ans n)
(if (setq nod (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_GROUP"))
(setq nod (cdr (assoc -1 nod))
grp (dictnext nod t)
lst nil
(while grp
(setq grp (vlax-ename->vla-object (cdr (assoc -1 grp))))
(if (vlax-ldata-get grp "AInc#Settings")
(AInc:Renumber grp)
(setq lst (cons grp lst))
(setq grp (dictnext nod))
(setq n 0
ans "eXit"
(while (and ans
(> (length lst) 0)
(princ "\nThere are ")
(princ (length lst))
(princ " groups. One's currently highlighted and renumbered.")
(AInc:Renumber (nth n lst))
(AInc:HighlightGrp (nth n lst) nil)
(initget "Next Edit eXplode exiT")
(setq ans (getkword "\nAction [Next/Edit/eXplode/exitT] <exiT>: "))
((eq ans "Next") (setq n (rem (1+ n) (length lst))))
((eq ans "Edit") (AIncr:EditIncr (nth n lst) 0))
((eq ans "eXplode")
(setq grp (nth n lst))
(setq lst (vl-remove grp lst))
(vla-Delete grp)
(setq n (min n (1- (length lst))))
(t (setq ans nil))

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Edit the group at the specified index
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; grp = the group object
;;; idx = the index number
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AIncr:EditIncr (grp idx / en n ans eo settings)
(setq ans t)
(while (and ans
(AInc:Renumber grp)
(AInc:HighlightGrp grp idx)
(princ (strcat "\n"
(itoa (1+ idx))
"th in group of "
(itoa (vla-get-Count grp))
". Green=Previous Red=Current Cyan=Next"
(initget "Prev Next Up Down Settings Insert Append Remove Exit")
(setq ans (getkword "Action [Prev/Next/Up/Down/Settings/Insert/Append/Remove/Exit] <Exit>: "))
;; Previous
((eq ans "Prev") (setq idx (max 0 (1- idx))))
;; Next
((eq ans "Next") (setq idx (min (1+ idx) (1- (vla-get-Count grp)))))
;; Move Up
((and (eq ans "Up") (< idx (1- (vla-get-Count grp))))
(setq eo (vla-Item grp idx)
en (vlax-vla-object->ename eo)
(vlax-Invoke grp 'RemoveItems (list eo))
(setq idx (max 0 (1+ idx)))
(AInc:GroupInsert grp (list en) idx)
;; Move Down
((and (eq ans "Down") (> idx 0))
(setq eo (vla-Item grp idx)
en (vlax-vla-object->ename eo)
(vlax-Invoke grp 'RemoveItems (list eo))
(setq idx (max 0 (1- idx)))
(AInc:GroupInsert grp (list en) idx)
;; Remove
((and (eq ans "Remove") (> (vla-get-Count grp) 0))
(setq eo (vla-Item grp idx)
en (vlax-vla-object->ename eo)
(vlax-Invoke grp 'RemoveItems (list eo))
(if (>= idx (vla-get-Count grp))
(setq idx (1- idx))
;; Insert
((eq ans "Insert")
;; Include Feature 3031153
(setq settings (vlax-ldata-get grp "AInc#Settings")
en t
(while en
(if (setq en (AInc:PickEntities settings (+ (nth 0 settings) (* (nth 1 settings) idx))))
(AInc:GroupInsert grp en idx)
(setq idx (+ idx (length en))) ;Set current position to after inserted
(if (<= (length en) 1)
(setq en t)
(AInc:Renumber grp) ;Add renumbering after picking
(AInc:HighlightGrp grp idx) ;Add highlight after picking
(setq en nil)
;; Append
((eq ans "Append")
;; Include Feature 3031153
(setq settings (vlax-ldata-get grp "AInc#Settings")
en t
(while en
(if (setq en (AInc:PickEntities settings (+ (nth 0 settings) (* (nth 1 settings) (vla-get-Count grp)))))
(AInc:GroupInsert grp en nil)
(if (<= (length en) 1)
(setq en t)
(AInc:Renumber grp) ;Add renumbering after picking
(AInc:HighlightGrp grp idx) ;Add highlight after picking
(setq en nil)

;; Settings
((eq ans "Settings")
(setq settings (vlax-ldata-get grp "AInc#Settings"))
(if (or (and (or (= (getvar "CMDDIA") 0)
(> (logand (getvar "CMDACTIVE") (+ 4 16 32 64)) 0)
(setq settings (AInc:SettingsCmd settings))
(setq settings (AInc:SettingsDlg settings))
(if settings
(vlax-ldata-put grp "AInc#Settings" settings)
(setq AInc#Settings settings) ;Fixed bug 3031612
;; Exit
((eq ans "Exit") (setq ans nil) (redraw))


;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Ask user to pick / select / create extra entities for inclusion to group
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; settings = the settings list to use
;;; num = the next number to display
;;; Result : list of enames
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun AInc:PickEntities (settings num / mode ans ed n lst ao al al2 str1 str2 space sa)
(setq ans t
mode AInc#Mode
(and ans
(princ (strcat "\nThe next number will be ["
(nth 3 settings)
(AInc:Num2Type num (nth 2 settings) (nth 6 settings) (nth 5 settings))
(nth 4 settings)
((eq mode "Pick")
(initget 128 "SElect Create STop")
(setq ans (nentsel "\nPick an entity [SElect/Create/STop]: "))
((eq mode "SElect")
(prompt "\nSelect entities <Enter or Space to cancel>: ")
(setq ans (ssget '((0 . "TEXT,MTEXT,INSERT,ATTRIB.MLEADER"))))
((eq mode "Create")
(if (not (and (= (type ans) 'STR)
(wcmatch ans "DText,MText,MLeader,Block")
(setq ans "DText")
(initget 128 "DText MText MLeader Block Pick SElect STop")
(setq ans (getkword (strcat "\nCreate an entity [DText/MText/MLeader/Block/Pick/SElect/STop] <" ans ">: ")))
((eq ans "Pick") (setq AInc#Mode (setq mode ans)))
((eq ans "SElect") (setq mode ans))
((eq ans "Create") (setq AInc#Mode (setq mode ans)))
((= (type ans) 'PICKSET)
(setq n (sslength ans)
lst nil
(while (>= (setq n (1- n)) 0)
(setq ed (entget (ssname ans n)))
((wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 ed)) "TEXT,MTEXT,MLEADER,ATTRIB")
(setq lst (cons (cdr (assoc -1 ed)) lst))
((wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 ed)) "INSERT")
(setq ed (vlax-ename->vla-object (cdr (assoc -1 ed))))
(if (and (setq al (vlax-invoke ed 'GetAttributes))
(setq str1 (assoc (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) AInc#BlkAttrS))
(setq ao nil)
(foreach al2 al
(if (eq (strcase (cdr str1)) (strcase (vla-get-TagString al2)))
(setq ao al2)
(setq lst (cons (vlax-vla-object->ename ao) lst))
(setq al2 nil
str1 ""
str2 ""
(foreach ao al
(setq al2 (cons (cons (strcase (vl-string-translate " _" "--" (vla-get-TagString ao))) ao) al2)
;Fixed attribute names with underscores / spaces
str1 (strcat str1 " " (strcase (vl-string-translate " _" "--" (vla-get-TagString ao))))
;Fixed attribute names with underscores / spaces
str2 (strcat str2 "/" (strcase (vl-string-translate " _" "--" (vla-get-TagString ao))))
;Fixed attribute names with underscores / spaces
(setq str1 (strcat (vl-string-trim " " str1))
str2 (strcat (vl-string-trim "/" str2))
(initget str1)
(princ "\nThe block named {")
(princ (vla-get-EffectiveName ed))
(princ "} has not been selected yet.")
(if (setq str1 (getkword (strcat "\nWhich attribute do you want? [" str2 "]: "))) ;Fix for bug 3029986
(setq lst (cons (vlax-vla-object->ename (setq ao (cdr (assoc str1 al2)))) lst))
;Fix for bug 3029986
;; Only replace the block setting if it exists
(if (assoc (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) AInc#BlkAttrS)
(setq AInc#BlkAttrS
(subst (cons (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) (vla-get-TagString ao))
(assoc (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) AInc#BlkAttrS)
(setq AInc#BlkAttrS (cons (cons (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) (vla-get-TagString ao)) AInc#BlkAttrS))
(setq ans nil)
((eq ans "DText")
(if (and (= (getvar "TILEMODE") 0)
(= (getvar "CVPORT") 1)
(setq space (vla-get-PaperSpace (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
(setq space (vla-get-ModelSpace (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
(setq sa (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbdouble '(0 . 2)))
(vlax-safearray-fill sa '(0.0 0.0 0.0))
(setq ao (vla-AddText
(strcat (nth 3 settings)
(AInc:Num2Type 100 (nth 2 settings) (nth 6 settings) (nth 5 settings))
(nth 4 settings)
(getvar "TEXTSIZE")

(while (and (setq ans (grread t (+ 1 2 4 8) 0))
(= (car ans) 5)
(vlax-safearray-fill sa (cadr ans))
(vla-put-InsertionPoint ao sa)
(vla-Highlight ao :vlax-true)
(if (= (car ans) 3)
(vlax-safearray-fill sa (cadr ans))
(vla-put-InsertionPoint ao sa)
(vla-Highlight ao :vlax-false)
(setq lst (list (vlax-vla-object->ename ao))
ans nil
((eq ans "MText")
(if (and (= (getvar "TILEMODE") 0)
(= (getvar "CVPORT") 1)
(setq space (vla-get-PaperSpace (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
(setq space (vla-get-ModelSpace (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
(setq sa (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbdouble '(0 . 2)))
(vlax-safearray-fill sa '(0.0 0.0 0.0))
(setq ao (vla-AddText
(strcat (nth 3 settings)
(AInc:Num2Type 100 (nth 2 settings) (nth 6 settings) (nth 5 settings))
(nth 4 settings)
(getvar "TEXTSIZE")
(setq ed (textbox (entget (vlax-vla-object->ename ao))))
(vla-Delete ao)
(setq ao (vla-AddMText
(* (caadr ed) 1.2)
(strcat (nth 3 settings)
(AInc:Num2Type 100 (nth 2 settings) (nth 6 settings) (nth 5 settings))
(nth 4 settings)

(while (and (setq ans (grread t (+ 1 2 4 8) 0))
(= (car ans) 5)
(vlax-safearray-fill sa (cadr ans))
(vla-put-InsertionPoint ao sa)
(vla-Highlight ao :vlax-true)
(if (= (car ans) 3)
(vlax-safearray-fill sa (cadr ans))
(vla-put-InsertionPoint ao sa)
(vla-Highlight ao :vlax-false)
(setq lst (list (vlax-vla-object->ename ao))
ans nil
((eq ans "MLeader")
(if (and (= (getvar "TILEMODE") 0)
(= (getvar "CVPORT") 1)
(setq space (vla-get-PaperSpace (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
(setq space (vla-get-ModelSpace (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
(setq sa (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbdouble '(0 . 2)))
(vlax-safearray-fill sa '(0.0 0.0 0.0))
(setq ao (vla-AddText
(strcat (nth 3 settings)
(AInc:Num2Type 100 (nth 2 settings) (nth 6 settings) (nth 5 settings))
(nth 4 settings)
(getvar "TEXTSIZE")
(setq ed (textbox (entget (vlax-vla-object->ename ao))))
(vla-Delete ao)
(setq sa (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbdouble '(0 . 5)))
(vlax-safearray-fill sa (list 0.0 0.0 0.0 (caadr ed) 0.0 0.0))
(setq ao (vla-AddMLeader space sa 0))
(strcat (nth 3 settings)
(AInc:Num2Type 100 (nth 2 settings) (nth 6 settings) (nth 5 settings))
(nth 4 settings)

(setq sa (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbdouble '(0 . 2))
al (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbdouble '(0 . 2))
(vlax-safearray-fill sa '(0.0 0.0 0.0))
(while (and (setq ans (grread t (+ 1 2 4 8) 0))
(= (car ans) 5)
(vlax-safearray-fill al (cadr ans))
(vla-Move ao sa al)
(vla-Highlight ao :vlax-true)
(vlax-safearray-fill sa (vlax-safearray->list al))
(if (= (car ans) 3)
(vlax-safearray-fill al (cadr ans))
(vla-Move ao sa al)
(vla-Highlight ao :vlax-false)
(setq lst (list (vlax-vla-object->ename ao))
ans nil
((eq ans "Block")
(if (not (and (or (= (getvar "CMDDIA") 0)
(> (logand (getvar "CMDACTIVE") (+ 4 16 32 64)) 0)
(command "._INSERT")
(while (= (logand (getvar "CMDACTIVE") 1) 1) (command pause))
(setq ed (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast)))

(if (= (vla-get-HasAttributes ed) :vlax-true)
(if (and (setq al (vlax-invoke ed 'GetAttributes))
(setq ans (assoc (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) AInc#BlkAttrS))
(setq ao nil)
(foreach al2 al
(if (eq (strcase (cdr ans)) (strcase (vla-get-TagString al2)))
(setq ao al2)
(AInc:HighlightEnt (vlax-vla-object->ename ao) 2)
(initget "Yes No")
(setq sa (getkword
(strcat "This block was previously selected. You chose the {"
(vla-get-TagString ao)
"} attribute as highlighted in yellow. Do you want to do so again? [Yes/No] <Yes>: "
(or (not sa) (eq sa "Yes"))
(setq ans nil
lst (list (vlax-vla-object->ename ao))
(setq al2 nil
str1 ""
str2 ""
(foreach ao al
(setq al2 (cons (cons (strcase (vl-string-translate " _" "--" (vla-get-TagString ao))) ao) al2)
;Fixed attribute names with underscores / spaces
str1 (strcat str1 " " (strcase (vl-string-translate " _" "--" (vla-get-TagString ao))))
;Fixed attribute names with underscores / spaces
str2 (strcat str2 "/" (strcase (vl-string-translate " _" "--" (vla-get-TagString ao))))
;Fixed attribute names with underscores / spaces
(setq str1 (vl-string-trim " " str1)
str2 (vl-string-trim "/" str2)
(initget str1)
(if (setq str1 (getkword (strcat "\nWhich attribute do you want? [" str2 "]: "))) ;Fix for bug 3029986
(setq lst (list (vlax-vla-object->ename (setq ao (cdr (assoc str1 al2))))) ;Fix for bug 3029986
ans nil
;; Only replace the block setting if it exists
(if (assoc (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) AInc#BlkAttrS)
(setq AInc#BlkAttrS
(subst (cons (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) (vla-get-TagString ao))
(assoc (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) AInc#BlkAttrS)
(setq AInc#BlkAttrS (cons (cons (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) (vla-get-TagString ao)) AInc#BlkAttrS))
(setq ans "Block")
(princ "\nThat block doesn't contain attributes. Try again.")
(setq ans "Block")
((= (type ans) 'LIST)
(setq ed (entget (car ans)))
((wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 ed)) "TEXT,MTEXT,MLEADER,ATTRIB")
(setq lst (list (car ans))
ans nil
((and (> (length ans) 2)
(setq n (length (last ans))
ao nil
(while (and (>= (setq n (1- n)) 0) (not ao))
(setq ed (entget (nth n (last ans))))
(if (eq (cdr (assoc 0 ed)) "INSERT")
(setq ao t)
(setq ed (vlax-ename->vla-object (cdr (assoc -1 ed))))
(if (= (vla-get-HasAttributes ed) :vlax-true)
(and (setq al (vlax-invoke ed 'GetAttributes))
(setq ans (assoc (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) AInc#BlkAttrS))
(setq ao nil)
(foreach al2 al
(if (eq (strcase (cdr ans)) (strcase (vla-get-TagString al2)))
(setq ao al2)
(AInc:HighlightEnt (vlax-vla-object->ename ao) 2)
(initget "Yes No")
sa (getkword
(strcat "This block was previously selected. You chose the {"
(vla-get-TagString ao)
"} attribute as highlighted in yellow. Do you want to do so again? [Yes/No] <Yes>: "
(or (not sa) (eq sa "Yes"))
(setq lst (list (vlax-vla-object->ename ao))
ans nil
(setq al2 nil
str1 ""
str2 ""
(foreach ao al
(setq al2 (cons (cons (strcase (vl-string-translate " _" "--" (vla-get-TagString ao))) ao) al2)
;Fixed attribute names with underscores / spaces
str1 (strcat str1 " " (strcase (vl-string-translate " _" "--" (vla-get-TagString ao))))
;Fixed attribute names with underscores / spaces
str2 (strcat str2 "/" (strcase (vl-string-translate " _" "--" (vla-get-TagString ao))))
;Fixed attribute names with underscores / spaces
(setq str1 (vl-string-trim " " str1)
str2 (vl-string-trim "/" str2)
(initget str1)
(if (setq ans (getkword (strcat "\nWhich attribute do you want? [" str2 "]: ")))
(setq lst (list (vlax-vla-object->ename (cdr (assoc ans al2))))
ans nil
;; Only replace the block setting if it exists
(if (assoc (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) AInc#BlkAttrS)
(setq AInc#BlkAttrS
(subst (cons (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) (vla-get-TagString ao))
(assoc (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) AInc#BlkAttrS)
(setq AInc#BlkAttrS (cons (cons (vla-get-EffectiveName ed) (vla-get-TagString ao)) AInc#BlkAttrS))
(setq ans "Pick")
(princ "\nThat block doesn't contain attributes. Try again.")
(setq ans "Pick")
(princ "\nThat type of entity can't contain text. Try again.")
(setq ans "Pick")
(setq ans nil
lst nil


;|«Visual LISP© Format Options»
(120 2 1 2 nil "end of " 100 9 0 0 1 nil T nil T)
;*** DO NOT add text below the comment! ***|;
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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

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Inserito il - 15 settembre 2010 : 15:00:53  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Auto Increment Numbering Macro for AutoCAD LT
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nuova versione

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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 23 dicembre 2011 : 10:09:16  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Renumber Text - Lee Mac - 2011 - www.lee-mac.com
Prompts for a selection of Text / MText objects and renumbers the
contents in the chosen direction, based on the text alignment point.
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Regione: Lombardia
Prov.: Milano
Città: Milano

18 Messaggi

Inserito il - 23 dicembre 2011 : 17:41:12  Mostra Profilo Invia a lococad un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Scusa la ignoranza ma funzione anche su Autocad-LT 2008...e come faccio farlo funziona su autocad

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Giuseppe Mauro

Regione: Campania
Prov.: Napoli

2705 Messaggi

Inserito il - 24 dicembre 2011 : 12:43:28  Mostra Profilo Invia a Giuseppe Mauro un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Su LT i lisp non possono essere caricati
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Utente Master

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