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 convert DTexts to MTexts individually
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Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 12 settembre 2011 : 08:19:08  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
The TXT2MTXT command can be used to convert multiple texts to a single Mtext. But if you need to just convert the type of multiple drawing objects from Text to MText - without combining them - you can use the following simple AutoLISP code.

Save it to txt1mtxt.lsp, load it with APPLOAD and start the TXT1MTXT command:
; CADstudio TXT1MTXT - text to mtext (individual)
(defun c:txt1mtxt (/ ss lst x)
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(command "_undo" "_begin")
(setq ss (ssget '((0 . "TEXT"))))
(setq lst (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex ss))))
(mapcar '(lambda (x) (command "txt2mtxt" x "")) lst)
(command "_undo" "_end")
(setvar "CMDECHO" 1)

Utente Master

Regione: Lombardia

14951 Messaggi

Inserito il - 12 giugno 2014 : 12:59:43  Mostra Profilo Invia a arri un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
per mantenere la giustificazione originale

;;  Text1MtextJust.lsp [command name: T1MJ]

;;  TXT2MTXT command does not preserve all aspects of justification.  For
;;    one selected Text entity, retains horizontal component [except Aligned/
;;    Fit have Center imposed], but imposes Top for vertical component to
;;    all, regardless of Text entity's original justification.
;;  T1MJ converts each selected Text entity separately to Mtext with same or
;;    equivalent justification as original Text, including vertical component.
;;  "Equivalent" for Text-entity justifications not used with Mtext:
;;    Left/Center/Right become Bottom-Left/Bottom-Center/Bottom-Right;
;;    Middle becomes Middle-Center;
;;    Aligned/Fit become Bottom-Center with new insertion point half-way
;;      between original Text entity's baseline alignment/fit points, so that
;;      any positional change is minimized.
;;  Will sometimes result in slight positional change, depending on specific
;;    justification involved, text font, and/or whether text content includes
;;    characters extending above or below height of capital letters [e.g. lower-
;;    case letters with descenders, parentheses/brackets/braces, slashes, etc.].
;;  Fit-justified Text will retain original height, but lose width adjustment.
;;  Kent Cooper, 18 February 2014

(defun C:T1MJ ; = Text to 1-line Mtext, retaining Justification
  (/ *error* cmde tss inc tent tobj tins tjust)

  (defun *error* (errmsg)
    (if (not (wcmatch errmsg "Function cancelled,quit / exit abort,console break"))
      (princ (strcat "\nError: " errmsg))
    ); if
    (command "_.undo" "_end")
    (setvar 'cmdecho cmde)
  ); defun - *error*

  (setq cmde (getvar 'cmdecho))
  (setvar 'cmdecho 0)
  (command "_.undo" "_begin")
  (prompt "\nTo change Text to 1-line Mtext, preserving Justification,")
  (if (setq tss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "TEXT"))))
    (repeat (setq inc (sslength tss))
        tent (ssname tss (setq inc (1- inc)))
        tobj (vlax-ename->vla-object tent)
        tins (vlax-get tobj 'TextAlignmentPoint)
        tjust (vla-get-Alignment tobj)
      ); setq
        ((= tjust 0) (setq tjust 7 tins (vlax-get tobj 'InsertionPoint))); Left
        ((< tjust 3) (setq tjust (+ tjust 7))); 1/2 [Center/Right] to 7/8/9
        ((= tjust 4) (setq tjust 5)); Middle to Middle-Center
        ((member tjust '(3 5)); Aligned/Fit
            tjust 8 ; to Bottom-Center
            tins (mapcar '/ (mapcar '+ (vlax-get tobj 'InsertionPoint) tins) '(2 2 2))
              ; with new insertion point
          ); setq
        ); Aligned/Fit
        ((setq tjust (- tjust 5))); all vertical-horizontal pair justifications
      ); cond
      (command "_.txt2mtxt" tent ""); convert, then
      (setq tobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))); replace Text with new Mtext
      (vla-put-AttachmentPoint tobj tjust); original Text's justification [or equiv.]
      (vlax-put tobj 'InsertionPoint tins); original Text's insertion
    ); repeat
  ); if
  (command "_.undo" "_end")
  (setvar 'cmdecho cmde)
); defun -- T1MJ
(prompt "\nType T1MJ to change Text to 1-line Mtext, preserving Justification.")
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